The Methodology of Reading Hadith | HBKU
The Methodology of Reading Hadith: The Thematic Classification as a Way of Framing Sunnah Comprehension

The Methodology of Reading Hadith: The Thematic Classification as a Way of Framing Sunnah Comprehension

The Methodology of Reading Hadith: The Thematic Classification (Tabweeb) as a Way of Framing Sunnah Comprehension


This webinar will offer a comprehensive approach to understanding the Prophetic Hadith based on the classification of the Sunnah according to its main themes (Abwāb), which in turn will resolve issues that we might face in our perception of the Sunnah, and make it closer to the overall vision of Islam. Dealing with hadiths according to their classified sections provides precise controls for dealing with the circumstantial aspects which they are associated with. The basics of this idea are not new, but are deep-rooted within our heritage. 

Hadith scholars were aware of this, and classified their books into sections and chapters under which hadiths were included, and they also considered this classification as key to understanding hadiths. The idea of a denied (munkar) hadith is also related to this meaning because the denial of its al-matan has a relationship to the circumstantial aspects in which the hadith is presented. Likewise, scholars of usul al-fiqh and jurists have developed conditions for accepting hadiths that are not limited to the authenticity of the chain of narration (isnaad).

This research project intends to contribute to this trend by defining the characteristics of the substantive sections of the hadith, not from the aspect of its specific detailed events concerning the jurisprudential inference, but from the standpoint of the whole structure of the categories of these hadiths. The project plan draws a quintet map for these sections that intersect with four applied domains. The five sections of the topics are: creeds, rituals, ethics, behavior, and human sociology (sociology, economy, and politics). The four applied domains are the human capacity to understand; the role of the human experience; the circumstantial relationship; and the interaction of the human conscience with the Prophetic guidance. This means that these applied domains are different in nature according to the hadith section, affecting the way we look at the hadith and explore its purpose. For example, the circumstantial relationship is high in economic issues and absent in the creeds section.

The Pillars of the Webinar:

The webinar will be divided into three pillars, and applicants will be required to submit papers on one of the topics included under each pillar.

First: Data of Hadith, Usul al-fiqh and Jurisprudence (fiqh)

  1. To what extent do the five categories of the hadith (creeds, rituals, ethics, behavior and human sociology) appear in the works of hadith scholars, jurists and scholars of usul al-fiqh, and what were the roles of human experience and habits in the interpretation of hadiths?
  2. Is the ruling on the hadith as a denial (munkar) totally focused on the chain of narrators (isnad), or exceeded to address all narrations?
  3. To what extent has interest in al-matan emerged as an important factor in the criticism of the hadith in the works of hadith scholars, jurists, and scholars of usul al-fiqh?

Second: Data of the Faith and Behavior Sciences

What do hadiths indicate in the section of belief regarding the human awareness of the creeds issues?
What do the hadiths reveal in the field of behavior science with regard to the methodology of human perception of ethics and behavior issues, and how are they affected by different times, places, customs, and traditions?
How does the mind and conscience interact with the orders, advice, and directives they receive from the ‘good example’?

Third: Data of Sociology, History and Anthropology

  1. How does science help us to understand the interaction between the reality of inherited social systems and the supreme principles and values that emerge in a community?
  2. In light of the prophet’s tradition, what does sociology inform towards the gradual change that occurs when attempting to change human reality through an intellectual and structural revolution, and how may this social change be affected by the constant traits correlated with  human nature and the variable aspects associated with time? 

Webinar Objectives:

  1. Seeks to utilize the social sciences and contemporary knowledge to explore new dimensions in the Prophetic Sunnah
  2. Utilize the hadith in criticizing and evaluating contemporary knowledge
  3. Utilize the hadith in building a contemporary scientific culture committed to the religious principles and open to various approaches
  4. Emphasize the importance of the Prophetic Sunnah in building scientific awareness that seeks to achieve integration between science, building renaissance, and serving humanity

Important information and Milestones:

Those who wish to participate should submit the following:

  1. Abstract (about 300-500 words), explaining the idea of the paper and the approach addressed in light of the vision and the framework specified in this paper.
  2. A brief CV (not exceeding 500 words) that includes the scientific qualifications of the researcher, in addition to their scientific interests and the most prominent publications.


  • The applicants of the accepted abstracts shall receive a notification of acceptance accompanied by an invitation to submit their completed papers (7,000 - 10,000 words) within the timeline specified below.
  • Selected candidates whose papers are accepted will be invited to participate in the closed webinar
  • As for the rest of the accepted candidates’ papers, they will be listed on the academic publication project referred to above.

The center accepts contributions (abstracts, biographies, and research papers) in Arabic and English.

Publishing Plan:

The accepted research papers will be subject to peer review, and the approved papers will be published within a series of academic peer-reviewed publications to be published by the center in collaboration with HBKU Press.

Advantages Offered:

Al-Qaradawi Center for Islamic Moderation and Renewal offers the following benefits to the accepted candidates invited to the closed webinar:

  1. Peer-reviewed publication
  2. Invitation to attend the webinar which will be held from March 22-23, 2021
  3. Selected papers will be translated into Arabic or English

Important Dates:

  1. The deadline for receiving abstracts and CVs is August 31, 2020.
  2. The center will approve and notify chosen candidates no later than September 30, 2020.
  3. The deadline for receiving completed papers is January 1, 2021.
  4. Accepted papers will be approved and the candidates will be notified no later than January 31, 2021.
  5. The webinar will be held from March 22-23, 2021.