Applications of KREX and Orvar Technologies
Hamad Bin Khalifa University


Applications of KREX and Orvar Technologies for Autoantibody-based Biomarker Discovery


Using conventional methods, it would be necessary to screen every single human protein, splice variant, neoantigen or microbial antigen to discover the total repertoire of autoantigens within a disease. By using the Sengenics Orvar Autoantigen Discovery Technology, the identity of all the autoantigens that make up the Autoproteome can be discovered. The Autoproteome is defined as the complete collection of all disease-associated autoantigens including aberrant post-translational modifications and mutated forms of proteins. Orvar identifies all possible autoantigens within a human at a given time which are associated with a disease.

Leveraging the Sengenics KREX protein folding technology for the production of full-length, correctly folded and functional proteins, every single autoantigen within the Autoproteome is cloned, expressed and attached to a Sengenics protein array. This customised protein array then serves as a validated, true positive antigen and autoantigen library which is disease-specific. 

This webinar will focus on how Sengenics utilises it's patented KREX and Orvar technologies to develop disease-specific protein arrays consisting of full-length KREX produced proteins in various applications, including the discovery of autoantibodies for characterisations of diseases – either as biomarkers for early diagnostics, protective autoantibodies or intra-disease stratification –  identification of novel drug targets, as well as drug safety and predictive toxicology.





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