الدكتور لورانس ستانتيون | جامعة حمد بن خليفة
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

أعضاء هيئة التدريس

الدكتور لورانس ستانتيون

الدكتور لورانس ستانتيون

مدير مركز بحوث الاضطرابات العصبية
مركز بحوث الاضطرابات العصبية
معهد قطر لبحوث الطب الحيوي

كلية العلوم الصحية والحيوية

السيرة الذاتية

Dr. Lawrence Stanton joined QBRI in 2019 with more than 30 years of research experience in industry and academia. His research is focused on dissecting the molecular pathways that underly neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism. After earning a PhD in biochemistry at Stony Brook University (USA), he completed a post-doctoral fellowship in cancer biology at University of California San Francisco (USA) under the guidance of Nobel Laureate, Dr. Michael Bishop.

At QBRI the Stanton lab is generating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from patients with neurodevelopmental disorders. These patient-specific iPSC are converted into neural cell types and organoids, thus providing an opportunity to understand the molecular pathology of diseases such as autism and establishing a foundation for the development of diagnostics and therapeutics to treat patients with neurodevelopmental disorders. 

الاهتمامات البحثية

  • Molecular characterization of gene regulatory networks
  • Disease modeling neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Disease modeling diabetes
  • Stem cell biology
  • Genomics


Group Leader

Scios Inc, USA

1990 - 2000
  • Director Functional Genomics

    Geron Corp, USA

    2001 - 2002
  • Deputy Director

    Genome Institute of Singapore

    2002 - 2016
  • Executive Director

    Humacyte Inc., USA

    2017 - 2019

المؤهلات العلمية

PhD in Biochemistry

Stony Brook University (USA)

  • Post-doctoral fellowship

    University of California San Francisco (USA)

المؤلفات المختارة

  • Namboori SC, Thomas P, Ames R, Hawkins S, Garrett LO, Willis CRG, Rosa A, Stanton LW, Bhinge A.

    Single cell transcriptomics identifies master regulators of neurodegeneration in SOD1 ALS iPSC-derived motor neurons. Stem Cell Reports. 2021; 16(12):3020-35.

  • Sathiyanathan P, Samsonraj RM, Tan CCL, Ling L, Lezhava A, Nurcomb V, Stanton LW*

    Cool SM*(Co-senior authors). A genomic biomarker that identifies human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells with high scalability. Stem Cells. 2020; 38(9):1124-1136.

  • Michelet F, Balasankar A, Teo N, Stanton* LW, Singhal S* (Co-senior authors).

    Rapid generation of purified human RPE from pluripotent stem cells using 2D cultures and lipoprotein uptake-based sorting. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2020; 11(1):47.

  • Phenotypic and molecular features underlying neurodegeneration of motor neurons derived from spinal bulbar muscular atrophy patients.

    Sheila M, Narayanan, G, Ma S, Tam WL, Chai J and Lawrence W Stanton Neurobiology of Disease 124, p1-13 (2019)

  • Single-cell gene expression analysis reveals regulators of distinct cell subpopulations among developing human neurons.

    Wang J, Jenjaroenpun P, Bhinge A, Angarica VE, Del Sol A, Nookaew I, Kuznetsov VA, and Lawrence W Stanton Genome Research 27(11), p1783-1794 (2017)

  • Genetic Correction of SOD1 and FUS mutations reveals MAPK activated AP1 and WNT as drivers of neurodegeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

    Bhinge A, Namboori S, and Lawrence W. Stanton Stem Cell Reports 8(4), p856-69 (2017)

  • Common molecular features underlying neurodegeneration identified through in vitro modeling of genetically diverse Parkinson’s disease patients.

    Lin L, Goke, J, Cukuroglu E, Dranias MR, Van Dongen AMJ, and Lawrence W. Stanton Cell Reports 15(11), p2411-26 (2016)

  • MiR-375 is essential for human spinal motor neuron development and may be involved in motor neuron degeneration.

    Bhinge A, Namboori S Angela Bithell, Soldati AC, Buckley NJ, Lawrence W. Stanton Stem Cells 34(1), p124-34 (2016)

  • miR-135b is a direct Pax6 target and specifies human neuroectoderm by inhibiting TGF-β/BMP signaling.

    Bhinge A, Poschman J, Tian XF, Loh JH, Traczyk A, Prabhakar S, and Lawrence W. Stanton EMBO J 33(11), p1271-83 (2014)

  • The long non-coding RNA RMST interferes with Sox2 to regulate neurogenesis.

    Ng SY, Bogu G, Soh BS, and Lawrence W. Stanton Molecular Cell 51(3), p349-59 (2013)
