Genetic Variant Interpretation for Common Diseases | HBKU
Hamad Bin Khalifa University


Genetic Variant Interpretation for Common Diseases



This activity is an Accredited Category 1 - Group Learning Activity as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions – Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of 3.0 hours


Qatar's increasing accessibility to technologies that interrogate genomes, including whole genome sequencing of patients (e.g., Qatar Genome Programme), provides a wealth of data that may guide practicing physicians to diagnose specific diseases and potentially assess future health risks. Bioinformatics, an interdisciplinary field that combines biology, computer science, and statistics that analyzes and interprets extensive genomic data, translates these data into advice for patients and clinicians. 

In this workshop, two eminent experts in genetics and clinical bioinformatics will introduce how genetic variations are linked to diseases and how this knowledge can be used in clinical practice. They will also provide examples for the use of essential bioinformatics tools available for the physician audience to search and analyze genomics data, which could facilitate the implementation of precision medicine practice in Qatar’s healthcare sector.

At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the basic bioinformatics tools and their exploitation to analyze genetic variation.
  • Interpret genetic variations in a clinical context using available databases, resources, and software. 


The Scientific Planning Committee has reviewed all disclosed financial relationships of speakers and moderators, in advance of this CPD activity and has implemented procedures to manage any potential or real conflicts of interest.

Scientific Planning Committee 

  • Dr. Ayman Al Haj Zen, Chair, Assistant Professor, College of Health and Life Sciences (HBKU) 
  • Dr. Nady El Hajj, Assistant Professor, College of Health and Life Sciences (HBKU)
  • Dr. Borbala Mifsud, Assistant Professor, College of Health and Life Sciences (HBKU)
  • Dr. Omar Albagha, Professor, College of Health and Life Sciences (HBKU)
  • Dr. Sharon Maria Bout-Tabaku, Attending Physician, Pediatric Rheumatology (Sidra Medicine)

Course Fee: USD 55 (QR 200)

Ehteraz application must show fully vaccinated health status.

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