The Summer Research Program (SRP) at Qatar Environment & Energy Research Institute (QEERI) offers students the opportunity to excel in conducting research at QEERI during the summer and access state-of-the-art research facilities under the mentorship of QEERI's distinguished scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and engineers.
Students will train for 8 weeks, Sunday through Thursday, and each student will work with a designated researcher based on the area of research interest. The intensive nature of the program will require a full-time commitment from the student (exceptions can be made if necessary).
At the end of the program, participants will receive a certificate of completion for the internship.
In addition to working as part of a research team in QEERI, the students are required to participate in a variety of academic enrichment and professional development activities.
Each student will be matched with a specific research group based on the student’s background, their area of research interest, and the availability of space in the host laboratory. Once admitted to the selected research group, the student will work as a member of the research group under the supervision of the mentor. Prior to the start of the program, students will coordinate with the mentor to discuss the project and the supervision and training plan.
Participating students will be required to attend seminars given by research scientists from QEERI and/or QEERI guest speakers. The goals of these seminars are to broaden the student’s scientific knowledge. Additionally, participants have the opportunity to attend professional development workshops and socialize with fellows in the program, covering topics like grants management and research partnerships. The informal setting and the discussions it will facilitate during and after the activities encourage student interactions with the QEERI team, thus enabling students’ integration into the QEERI community.
All QEERI-SRP scholars are required to give a poster and two 15 - 20 minute presentations to their peers and QEERI staff. The first presentation will be during the program and will be a summary of a selected research paper. The second presentation and the poster will be about the students’ projects and will take place after the program. QEERI mentors will assist the students in preparing their presentation and poster, and provide guidance, and critical and constructive feedback aimed at helping the students improve and sharpen their presentation and scientific communication skills.
To be considered for the program, the applicant must:
Applicants must fill in the online form and submit the following documents:
Applications will be evaluated by the QEERI selection committee based on specific criteria including:
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview (in person or via online meeting) by members of the selection committee before making the final admission decision. The placement of students will be aligned with their research interests.
The target number of participants will depend on the availability of laboratory space and staff.
The application deadline is Sunday, May 12, 2024.