Dr. Jenny Lawler
Senior Research Director
Dr. Jenny Lawler
Senior Research Director
Educational Qualifications
PGDip (Ed)
Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute
Dr. Jenny Lawler is the Senior Research Director of the Water Center at the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI). She received her PhD in Membrane Separations in Ireland. Her research focuses on the development of novel technologies and membrane-based strategies to solve environmental problems. QEERI is at the forefront of the development of technologies for the protection of public health including the treatment of water and other environmental matrices.
PGDip (Ed)
Dublin Institute of Technology; Dublin/Ireland
Dublin City University; Dublin/Ireland
BEng (Chemical)
University College Dublin; Dublin/Ireland
- Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Water Re-use
- Wastewater Based Epidemiology
- Contaminants of Emerging Concern
- Process Intensification
- Waste Treatment
Lecturer in Bioprocess Engineering
School of Biotechnology; Dublin City University, Ireland
2010 - 2019
Chemical Engineering Consultant
DPS Engineering, Ireland
2008 - 2010
Graduate Researcher
School of Biotechnology; Dublin City University
2004 - 2008
Lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics
Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
2004 - 2005
- I Gdara, J Lawler, A Staines, S O'Neill - http://www.epa.ie/pubs/reports/research/health/research361.html
- B Brennan, J Lawler, F Regan Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology
- D O'Flynn, D Harold, L Holland, A Parle-McDermott, J Lawler, ... Analytical Methods
- B Gunes, J Stokes, P Davis, C Connolly, J Lawler Biomass and Bioenergy 144, 105902
- B Gunes, J Stokes, P Davis, C Connolly, J Lawler Process Safety and Environmental Protection 146, 43-53
- A Siddique, A Shahzad, J Lawler, KA Mahmoud, DS Lee, N Ali, M Bilal, ... Environmental Research, 110443
- B Gunes, Y Jaquet, L Sánchez, R Carrocera, D McGlade, B Quilty, ... Preprints
- B Gunes, M Carrié, K Benyounis, J Stokes, P Davis, C Connolly, J Lawler Processes 8 (4), 492
- B Gunes, J Stokes, P Davis, C Connolly, J Lawler Available at SSRN 3668841
- L Francis, O Ogunbiyi, J Saththasivam, J Lawler, Z Liu Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 6 (8), 1986-2015
- B Brennan, C Briciu-Burghina, S Hickey, T Abadie, SM al Ma Awali, ... International journal of molecular sciences 21 (11), 3914
- D O'Flynn, F Regan, J Lawler, B White
- D O'Flynn, F Regan, J Lawler, B White
- B Gunes, J Stokes, P Davis, C Connolly, J Lawler Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113, 109281
- MS Algamdi, IH Alsohaimi, J Lawler, HM Ali, AM Aldawsari, HMA Hassan Separation and Purification Technology 223, 17-23
- B Brennan, CC Briciu-Burghina, S Hickey, T Abadie, Y Delaure, J Durkan, ...
- C Allen, L Jones, F Regan, A Staines, J Lawler
- C Allen, L Jones, F Regan, A Staines, J Lawler
- C Allen, L Jones, F Regan, A Staines, J Lawler
- L Jones, C Allen, F Regan, A Staines, J Lawler
- IH Alsohaimi, M Kumar, MS Algamdi, MA Khan, K Nolan, J Lawler Chemical Engineering Journal 316, 573-583
- A Morrissey, D McGlade, K Nolan, B Quilty, J Lawler http://www.epa.ie/researchandeducation/research/researchpublications …
- J Lawler - Membranes 6 (4), 57
- L Jones, C Allen, A Staines, F Regan, J Lawler
- SM Kelleher, O Habimana, J Lawler, B O’reilly, S Daniels, E Casey, ... ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (24), 14966-14974
- M Kumar, Z Gholamvand, A Morrissey, K Nolan, M Ulbricht, J Lawler Journal of membrane science 506, 38-49
- MA Khan, BH Hameed, J Lawler, M Kumar, BH Jeon Desalination and Water Treatment 54 (2), 422-449
- S Basha, D Keane, K Nolan, M Oelgemöller, J Lawler, JM Tobin, ... Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22 (3), 2219-2230
- M Kumar, D McGlade, M Ulbricht, J Lawler RSC Advances 10.1039/C5RA06893B
- M Kumar, J Lawler Separation and Purification Technology 130, 112-123
- M Kumar, D McGlade, J Lawler RSC Advances 4 (42), 21699-21711
- JN Mhurchu, G Foley, J Havel Chemical Engineering Communications 197 (8), 1152-1162
- J Ní Mhurchú Dublin City University
- JN Mhurchú, G Foley Journal of Membrane Science 281 (1-2), 325-333
- J Lawler
- M Kumar, D McGlade, J Lawler
- 2018; Young Leader of the Year; Irish Laboratory Awards; Dublin/Ireland
- 2018; Engineering Lab of the Year; Irish Laboratory Awards; Dublin/Ireland
- 2017; Chairperson of the Postgraduate Degree of the Year; Dublin/Ireland
- 2013; Recipient of the President's Award for Excellence in Teaching; DCU; Dublin/Ireland
- 2006; Recipient of the Orla Benson Award for postgraduate research; DCU; Dublin/Ireland