Research Collaborations

Research Collaborations

HBKU conducts cutting-edge research within its world-class research centers and colleges, which aim to advance industries, societies, and humanity. HBKU partners with various organizations in the government, academia, and locally or internationally-based industry sectors.

The types of partnerships range from either sponsorship opportunities to collaboration on research or strategic alliances. HBKU will deploy elite faculty experts from some of the world’s leading universities to aid a successful partnership.

Sponsored research projects can rapidly advance science and effectively propel early-stage technologies toward commercial partnerships. Our team will facilitate your collaboration with HBKU researchers and help reduce the financial risk associated with early-stage scientific research.

Strategic alliances harness the strengths of multiple investigators over several years to make significant scientific progress. Creative, flexible, and well-managed - our institution-level alliances convene teams of the world’s best and brightest researchers to solve critical and complex challenges.

If you are interested:

submit a request here