Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD) Conference | Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD) Conference

Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD) Conference

Conference Overview

The College of Public Policy at Hamad Bin Khalifa University is hosting the Academic Network for Development Dialogue Conference (ANDD) under the theme of "Sustainable Development Goals Unpacked: Ethics, Policies, and Culture."

This conference aims to facilitate rich dialogue on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing their ethical, cultural, and policy-related dimensions. It will also provide a platform for reviewing pioneering studies and research conducted by students across the MENA region.

The conference will kick off with two days of interactive workshops designed to engage participants in hands-on learning and discussion. These workshops will set the stage for the last day of the conference, providing valuable context and insights into the themes and topics to be explored.

With collaborations from esteemed institutions like Al-Quds University, Qatar University, and ESCWA, the primary objective of this conference is to catalyze change through evidence-based policymaking and diverse collaborative efforts toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab region.

Chair’s Message

As the Chair of the Academic Network for Development Dialogue, I am thrilled to announce that the theme of this year's conference is "Sustainable Development Goals Unpacked: Ethics, Policies, and Culture." This theme was carefully selected to highlight the intricate layers of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to explore their ethical implications, policy requirements, and cultural contexts.

Our decision to focus on this theme was significantly inspired by the pioneering work on SDGs at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, particularly in the realms of education and research. The commitment to integrating the SDGs into academic discourse and practice serves as a beacon for institutions worldwide, demonstrating the vital role that education plays in achieving sustainable development.

This year, we are particularly excited to introduce a Capacity Building Program designed for young scholars. This initiative aims to nurture the next generation of thinkers and leaders in the field of sustainable development. Furthermore, the conference will feature presentations by 17 young Arab scholars who have submitted exceptionally insightful papers on various dimensions of the SDGs. Their fresh perspectives and innovative ideas promise to enrich our discussions and contribute to our understanding of sustainable development in diverse contexts.

We cordially invite the academic community and policy world in Qatar and the region to join us for what promises to be an enlightening series of sessions, discussions, and exchanges. Together, we will explore the complexities of the SDGs, examining the ethical considerations, policy challenges, and cultural nuances that influence their implementation and impact.

This conference is not just an academic gathering; it is a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and action towards a more sustainable and equitable world. We look forward to welcoming you to this important event and to collectively advancing the discourse on sustainable development.

Dean’s Message

It is a great pleasure to welcome scholars and practitioners from the region and the world to this year’s Academic Network for Development Dialogue Conference, which focuses on the theme of SDGs, Policy, and Ethics. The College of Public Policy considers all three of these aspects part of its mission, and they are central to Hamad Bin Khalifa University and our partners in Education City and Qatar Foundation. Our faculty and students are excited to both contribute to the proceedings and learn from such a distinguished assembly of thinkers and doers. My best wishes for what I am sure will be an outstanding conference.