SRO - Outcomes Filters | Page 3 | Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Sponsored Research Office

The Sponsored Research Office (SRO) was launched in December 2016 under the Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) Vice President for Research Office. The SRO contributes to HBKU’s academic and research mission through the provision of pre-award and post-award management for all sponsored research projects.

Outcomes Filters

Outcome title Journal/Chapter Home Entity Research Areasort ascending Type KI Authors Lead Name
End-to-End Detection-Segmentation System for Face Labeling IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence CSE Natural Sciences Journal Paper Dr. Yin Yang Dr. Yin Yang
SIDRA: a blind algoritm for signal detection in photometric surveys QEERI Natural Sciences Online Paper
Hybrid Air - Slurry Flow Cell Battery QEERI Natural Sciences Patent
Connecting Bright and Dark States Through Accidental Degeneracy Caused by Lack of Symmetry The Journal of Chemical Physics QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper
Microlensing Binaries with Candidate Brown Dwarf Companions QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper
Optimized Ni(1-x)Al(x)O Hole Transport Layer for Silicon Solar Cells RSC Advances QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper
Stern Um Stern QEERI Natural Sciences Creative Works
High-precision Photometry by Telescope Defocusing - V. WASP-15 and WASP-16 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper
Location Privacy Issues in the Opensky-network Crowdsourcing Platform 15th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2019) CSE Natural Sciences Conference Paper
Kepler-like Multi-plexing for Mass Production of Microlens Parallaxes Astrophysical Journal Letters QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper