SRO - Outcomes Filters | Page 6 | Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Sponsored Research Office

The Sponsored Research Office (SRO) was launched in December 2016 under the Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) Vice President for Research Office. The SRO contributes to HBKU’s academic and research mission through the provision of pre-award and post-award management for all sponsored research projects.

Outcomes Filters

Outcome title Journal/Chapter Home Entity Research Area Typesort descending KI Authors Lead Name
HuR-induced Cell Death of Breast Cancer Cells and Tumors: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Implication CSE
Blending AI and Regulation for Lawful Anonymous WEB Navigation CSE
"Analysis of AFFiRiS Serum Samples on EI-Agnaf Synuclein ELISA Assays" QBRI Dr. Omar El Agnaf
Cultivating a Science-Based Community and Scientific Culture in Qatar QEERI Ms. Nadia Aboul Hosn
Hybrid AC/DC Islanded Micro-grids in Qatar: Planning, Operation, and Cyber Security QEERI
Qatar Epigenome: Profiling of Epigenetic Modifications and Identification of Epigenome Widepredictors of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity in Qataris from the QGP Pilot Study. QBRI Dr. Omar El Agnaf
Privacy-preserving Video Surveillance System CSE
Relay-Assisted Visible Light Communication System CSE Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Abdallah
Multiscale Corrosion Modelling for the Oil and Gas Industry QEERI Dr. Fadwa El Mellouhi
Securing on-line Transactions CSE