SRO - Outcomes Filters | Page 2 | Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Sponsored Research Office

The Sponsored Research Office (SRO) was launched in December 2016 under the Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) Vice President for Research Office. The SRO contributes to HBKU’s academic and research mission through the provision of pre-award and post-award management for all sponsored research projects.

Outcomes Filters

Outcome title Journal/Chapter Home Entity Research Areasort descending Type KI Authors Lead Name
Catching Drones CSE Dr. Savio Sciancalepore , Pietro Tedeschi, Maurantonio Caprolu, Omar Adel Ibrahim
Application of Conformation-specific Antibodies Toward Biomarker Development for Parkinson’s Disease CSE Dr. Omar El Agnaf
3D Printing Based on Self-assembled Molecular Building Blocks for Materials Design and Bio-applications QEERI Dr. Hicham Hamoudi
Detecting Fraudulent Messages with Strong Privacy Protection CSE Dr. Yin Yang
Access to Data and Biospecimens Program 2016: Validation of CSF a-synuclein Species as Surrogate Biomarkers for Parkinson's Disease QBRI Dr. Omar El Agnaf
Modeling Solar PV Adoption in the GCC QEERI Dr. Antonio Sanfilippo
Qatar Wastes to Pollution Treatment Activated Carbons CSE Dr. Gordon McKay
Therapeutic Potential of DNAJB3/HSP-40 as a Novel Biomarker for Obesity-induced Insulin Resistance and Diabetes QBRI Dr. Mohammed Dehbi
Electric Grid Failures – Don’t Wait Until They Happen CSE Dr. Bo Wang
Development of Novel and Sustainable Cooling Technologies for Self-sufficient Greenhouses and Buildings CSE Dr. Yusuf Bicer