SRO - Outcomes Filters | Page 8 | Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Sponsored Research Office

The Sponsored Research Office (SRO) was launched in December 2016 under the Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) Vice President for Research Office. The SRO contributes to HBKU’s academic and research mission through the provision of pre-award and post-award management for all sponsored research projects.

Outcomes Filters

Outcome title Journal/Chapter Home Entity Research Area Type KI Authors Lead Name
Educational Leadership Theory Locality, Leadership and Pedagogies for Entrepreneurship Education CIS Social Sciences Book Dr. Evren Tok Dr. Evren Tok
Double-Excitation Manifold’s Effect on Exciton Transfer Dynamics and the Efficiency of Coherent Light Harvesting Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper
A Super-Jupiter Orbiting a Late-type Star: A Refined Analysis of Microlensing Event OGLE-2012-BLG-0406 The Astrophysical Journal QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper
A Comparative GIS tree-pollution analysis between arsenic, chromium, mercury, and uranium contents in soils of urban and industrial regions in Qatar QEERI Natural Sciences Online Paper
A Review of Numerical Modelling Techniques for Reactive Transport in Subsurface Reservoirs and Application in Mimetic Finite Difference Discretization Schemes 81st EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition CSE Engineering and Technology Conference Paper Dr. Ahmad Sami A S Abushaikha Dr. Ahmad Sami A S Abushaikha
Selective Palladium-Catalysed Synthesis of Diesters: Alkoxycarbonylation of a CO2-Butadiene Derived D-Lactone Green Chemistry QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper
Amide-Catalyzed Phase-Selective Crystallization Reduces Defect Density in Wide-Bandgap Perovskites QEERI Natural Sciences Online Paper
The Gravitational Bending of Light by Stars: A Continuing Story of Curiosit, Skepticism, Surprise, and Fascination. QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper
Electrodeposition of Bulk MoS2 Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications 2016 MRS Fall Meeting QEERI Engineering and Technology Conference Paper
A Flexible Differential Temperature Sensor for Wearable Electronics Applications IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS) CSE Engineering and Technology Conference Paper