SRO - Outcomes Filters | Page 6 | Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Sponsored Research Office

The Sponsored Research Office (SRO) was launched in December 2016 under the Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) Vice President for Research Office. The SRO contributes to HBKU’s academic and research mission through the provision of pre-award and post-award management for all sponsored research projects.

Outcomes Filters

Outcome title Journal/Chapter Home Entity Research Area Type KI Authors Lead Name
Growth of MoO x Nanobelts from Molybdenum Bi-layer Thin Films for Thin Film Solar Cell Application Thin Solid Films QEERI Engineering and Technology Journal Paper Dr. Mohammad Istiaque Hossain
Location Privacy Issues in the Opensky-network Crowdsourcing Platform 15th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2019) CSE Natural Sciences Conference Paper
Chalcogenide Materials and Derivatives for Photovoltaic Applications Energy Technology QEERI Engineering and Technology Journal Paper Dr. Fadwa El Mellouhi Dr. Fadwa El Mellouhi
Toward Stable Electrode/Electrolyte Interface of P2-Layered Oxide for Rechargeable Na-Ion Batteries ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces QEERI Engineering and Technology Journal Paper
Regulating Extraction in Africa: Towards a Framework for Accountability in the Global South Governance in Africa QEERI Social Sciences Journal Paper
Gravitational Microlensing QEERI Natural Sciences Journal Paper
Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question CIS Humanities Book Dr. Mutaz Alkhatib, Dr. Mohammed Ghaly Dr. Mohammed Ghaly
Four-Directional Adaptive Residual Interpolation Technique for DoFP Polarimeters With Different Micro-Polarizer Patterns IEEE Sensors Journal CSE Engineering and Technology Journal Paper
Building Energy Use Modes and Thermal Comfort ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering 2017 QEERI Engineering and Technology Conference Paper
Red Noise versus Planetary Interpretations in the Microlensing Event OGLE-2013-BLG-446 QEERI Natural Sciences Online Paper