Polarization in Social Media: Boosting Fake News and Hate Speech
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Polarization in Social Media: Boosting Fake News and Hate Speech / Professor Paolo Rosso


Social media has become the default channel for people to access information and express their opinions. Unfortunately there are also undesired effects such as polarization and fostering information bubbles. When a piece of news matches our beliefs or outrages us, we tend to share it without checking its veracity. In this talk some of these problems will be illustrated.

Bio of speaker:

Professor Paolo Rosso is a full professor at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia in Spain, where he is also a member of the PRHLT research center. His research interests focus mainly on author profiling, irony detection, opinion spam detection, and plagiarism detection. He is the author of more than 200 papers.