Water Center | Hamad Bin Khalifa University

QEERI Water Centre focuses on delivering high quality research, development and innovation aligned with the strategic vision for the country and the direct needs of stakeholders. Our research focuses on the concept of circularity in the Water Sector and on addressing the grand challenges related to safe, reliable, secure and sustainable water supply, that affect hot arid countries such as Qatar. 

Qatar, along with other GCC countries and other hot desert environments around the world, are classed as severely water stressed due to the low availability of renewable freshwater resources. With rapid urbanization and population growth, there is the urgent need to focus on more sustainable methods of drinking water provision, as well as on conservation and enhancement of natural and non-conventional water resources, optimized treatment of wastewater from homes and industry, and reuse of clean treated water. QEERI’s Water Center provides technological solutions and baseline data to support best practices and policy development related to water in the country. 

The world-class laboratories and research facilities at QEERI, coupled with the expertise of its scientists, researchers, and engineers, enable the Water Center to be the leading institute for Water Research and Technology Development within the region.


  • Water Resources 
  • Desalination and Brine Management
  • Wastewater Treatment and Reuse 
  • Digital Water